Thursday, August 4, 2011

If you're in Pottermore, read this!!!

Me and my Monkey Man were having a discussion about Pottemore and about how exciting it is that we both got in (and my sissy got it and my besties got in and other awesome people I know got in) and we started talking about the particulars and how exciting it will all be when we get sorted. Sorting.....has me kinda worried. I'm not going to lie. I'm a Gryffy and I'll FOREVER be a Gryffy but there's a part of me that's scared that I won't be SORTED into Gryffindor. It will be kinda fun to be in Slytherin and I'll be proud if I'm in Ravenclaw but we ALL have that ONE house that we don't want to be in. For me, that's Hufflepuff. Don't hate me, Huffies!! I like yellow. I like how you're all non-conformed and edgy and all that jazz but I'm NOT a Hufflepuff. And I don't want to be. My bestie will DIE if she's in Gryffindor and I'm not offended. It's awesome that Slytherins don't like us. :)

Anyways, my Monkey Man got this idea that he would VIDEO me getting sorted since I said I would burst into tears if I was sorted into Hufflepuff. He thinks it will be FUNNY to see my reaction. And then he suggested we start a GROUP and post links to our videos. I am going to face my fears and put mine on youtube but you don't have to be THAT brave...unless you're in Gryffindor ;)

So we're BOTH going to video the other getting sorted and if you want to do it too, just post the link in the comments on THIS blog post and we'll all revel in the awesomeness that is Pottermore! May we forever be Gryffindor/Slytherin/Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw!!



  1. That sounds like a good idea!

  2. Brilliant idea! I don't know 100% I can get mine video'd but I am sure gonna check and find out! We should start a FB event to spread the word. "Project "Getting Sorted'"

  3. Heh, that's funny because I feel the same way but about Slytherin. I'd be so mad if I ended up in Slytherin. Hoping for Gryffindor, I can live with Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, I just do NOT want to be a Slytherin!

  4. Sounds brilliant! You know, I'm actually slightly scared too. What if I don't get into Slytherin? I guess I can understand Ravenclaw, and as dorky as I think Gryffindors can be, I'd rather be there than in Hufflepuff.

    If that hat has any sense it'll sort us all - correctly.

  5. That would be funny :) I think I will do that! PS: I don't want to be in Hufflepuff, either.

  6. Ooh, I think I'm in!! I'm crossing fingers for Ravenclaw...I don't want Hufflepuff either! I'd rather go to Slytherin! (besides...considering the quality of the Slytherins now, that House holds no fear for me anymore...)

  7. i am worried about the sorting too- fingers crossed for Slytherin- i really think its where i'm meant to be

  8. I'm a Hufflepuff all the way Potter more has made me come to the realization that I'm sensitive mainly easy going and will fight against anyone who tries to hurt me or one of my friends or family. Now all I have to say is if ur so worried just don't think about it take the quiz and just answer as honestly as u can then if u are truly made for Gryffindor then their you go you got your wish but just try to stay open minded who knows you might end up like me who gets sorted in to Hufflepuff and really wanted Ravenclaw but then I went to my comen room and met some wonderful Hufflepuffs that made me proud to be who I am a Hufflepuff strong and proud
